by David NicholsonMarch 16, 2020
As a leading provider of drug, alcohol and testing services to companies across the UK and world, DNA Workplace is hearing from some businesses about the effect of Coronavirus on their options.
A UK builder who usually buys his timber from China has had to send his workers home because he can’t get materials.
Children’s nurseries are on standby to close their doors, putting a strain on working parents.
A billion-dollar firm has had to close its offices for 2 weeks UK wide.
A local cafe is putting signs on their doors to stop people coming in if they have any symptoms.
Due to capacity shortages, The UK government is only testing people with severe symptoms and conditions, meaning some people will never know if they have the virus and if they have been spreading it.

These are just some of the cases we are seeing of how the outbreak is starting to impact our everyday lives.
Then what?
How do these businesses survive the major impact on themselves and the wider global economy?
Companies that can are taking the steps to work from home, but this relies on weeks of not having the familiar environments needed for people to flourish.
Since the outbreak, we have seen the stock markets tank, department stores empty and thousands of people staying at home.
Coronavirus has put an ever-growing strain on our society as we wait in the wings for the next steps.
Businesses are having to out contingency plans in action and either close their doors or take up government loans to see this period through. As a society we will all feel the impact, the question is - how long for can we survive?
With ever-growing restrictions on movement, and extensive quarantine measures (over 7 weeks and counting in Wuhan) a real concern is how we quickly return to normal to minimise the economic impact of COVID-19.
How do companies protect their staff and get back to work quickly without compromising another outbreak?
It is first essential to follow all government recommendations to stay safe, washing hands and avoiding close contact with people. However, a second route involves the use of rapid instant screening. It's ideal to help know who can come back to work when. Many companies are using the tests for their staff to help reduce the panic if they, like many millions of people have normal flu.