DNA Workplace provide bulk kit orders (1000+ kits) for companies with trained professionals and healthcare services looking to keep their workplace COVID-19 free. All testing is CE-IVD marked and our kits allowed to be placed on the market for professional use by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency).

The back to lab PCR test looks for the presence of the COVID-19 virus to determine if someone has COVID-19 at the point in time the test is taken. It is designed to be used within the first 5 days after symptoms onset but can pick up the virus during the period of active infection.
The participant, or medic if one has been chosen to carry out the testing, collects a sample from the back of the throat and entrance to the nose. A consent form is completed and the sample is sent to the lab by courier or mail. Results are released via email 24-48 hours (UK) after the swab arrives at the lab.
The back to lab PCR test provides one of three (3) results:
1. Negative - meaning the test did not detect COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)
2. Positive - meaning a current COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has been detected
3. Invalid – meaning either the test or paperwork was not completed correctly
Lab based testing programs can range from only testing symptomatic people to testing 1-3 times a week to meet certain industry guidelines. It is often used in combination with Rapid Antigen tests.

The PCR test we provide at DNA Workplace has been trialed extensively and found to have the following accuracy:
Sensitivity 99%
Specificity 99.5%
A positive test indicates infection however a negative test does not rule out the person having COVID-19 in all capacities. All negative results can be repeated if the patient is still showing symptoms.
Please note that this test does not indicate whether you have had the COVID-19 virus recently or in the past.
Testing can be carried out by the staff member either at your organization’s offices, at the staff members home or we can provide a medic to collect the sample. Online training is provided to ensure the collection process is strictly followed otherwise the result may be invalid.
Where the sample will be taken:
• Mouth and Nose Swab (UK & USA)
• Mouth Swab (USA)
After the collection is completed, the kit is sent to the designated laboratory.
Within 2-3 working days results are released to the nominated clinical lead or representative for your organization who is responsible for delivering the information and advice to the staff members.